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Meditation with Helen Tworkov and Jared Bland

This class, suitable for beginners as well as more experienced meditators, will explore the ways in which meditation can help steady our minds, ground us in experience, and open our hearts. Through guided mediation and discussion, and in a welcoming and encouraging environment, participants will learn the basics of the practice, and explore techniques to use mindfulness to support their daily lives. Chairs and cushions will be available, and all classes are free.

Helen Tworkov has studied Buddhism in the Zen and Tibetan traditions. She is the founder of Tricycle: The Buddhist Review and author of the forthcoming memoir, Lotus Girl. She has been a part-time resident of Inverness for more than fifty years.

Jared Bland lives in Glencoe, Cape Breton and Toronto. He was formerly the publisher of McClelland & Stewart, and the Arts editor of The Globe and Mail. He is a student of Tibetan Buddhism and learned meditation in that tradition.

Classes will begin on June 20th at 10:30AM.

There is no fee for this workshop, it is a free class.

June 19

Al Golpe del Guatimé

July 5

Yoga with Richard Allon